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The End

The following are the list of biomes and a brief description about the mobs in each biome.

Aether Ancient Wastes

The Aether Ancient Wastes contain multiple pillar-like stone brick structures. They inhabit the Ruin tribe, which are neutral, but will signal every single Ruin in the area to attack if provoked.

Ancient Wastes


  • Ruin Walker: Walkers have a desired item seen in their offhand. A trade can be done by right-clicking them with their desired item in your hand. Ruin Walkers can give a variety of items such as endergems, diamonds, and runes. Ruin Walkers will stop trading after a random number of times, or if provoked by an attacker. Bundles mean a trade cannot be done.
  • Ruin Jockey: Jockeys will be seen riding a zombie horse and will not attack unless you attack them. They cannot be traded with.
  • Ruin Trive Leader (Mini Boss): Appearance of a gray knight with a katana. Attacking does not signal other Ruins to attack.

Aether Azure Forest

The Aether Azure Forest is populated with many azure trees with small caves. Whirlwinds can spawn in this biome.

Aether Azure


  • Aether Guard: Hostile knights that can drop Aether Crust on death.
  • Blue Moa: A passive avian that can be mounted on.

Aether Bristled Forest

The Aether Bristled Forest is populated with many leafless trees.

Aether Bristled


  • Ether Witch: Fast hostile witches that can cast a variety of spells. Drops mana dust and bottled spells.

Aether Cloudlands

The Aether Cloudlands consists entirely of cloud shaped white stained glass.

Aether Cloudlands


  • Aerslime: Passive block of clouds.

Aether Crimson Heights

The Aether Crimson Heights is a red high altitude biome. Whirlwinds can spawn in this biome.

Aether Crimson Heights


  • Aether Guard: Hostile knights that can drop Aether Crust on death.
  • Crimson Runespirit: A neutral golem without legs.
  • Rubislime: A small hostile red slime. When killed, it will explode dealing area damage.
  • White Moa: A passive avian that can be mounted on. White Moa's have a higher jump boost.

Aether Grim Woodlands

The Aether Grim Woodlands is a dark and webbed black leaf forest.

Aether Grim Woodlands


  • Peacekeeper: A hostile axe wielding entity.

Amethyst End

The Amethyst End is a rocky obsidian landscape with giant amethyst spikes.

Amethyst End


  • Amethystal: A neutral amethyst entity that can grow amethyst crystals out of the ground. Drops Amethyst Petals on death.
  • Crystal Golem: A neutral golem that can regrow itself in a different location when in combat.
  • The End Giant: A neutral giant golem made mostly out of obsidian. Drops a Guardian Runestone on death.

Choruve Forest

The Choruve Forest is full of dead corals, and pink choruve trees.

Choruve Forest


  • Chorufly: A passive flying bug which can spread a damaging gas on death.
  • Whispering Phantom: A neutral whispering ghost that shoots weakening projectiles in combat. Drops a Hollow heart on death.

Corrupted End

The corrupted end is a high-altitude biome mixed with black and purple concrete, and obsidian.

Corrupted End


  • Cosmic Delusion: A neutral enderman with a block of crying obsidian bound to its head. Can drop unstable fragments and summon the Corruption of The Void on death when in this biome.
  • Corruption of The Void (Mini Boss): A giant enderman-like entity with large hands. Drops Arcane Fragments on death.

Dark End

A dark and jagged land of dust. Wandering in this area is extremely dangerous.

Dark End


  • Sentry: A fast and hostile entity that will only detect you if close. Killing it is not recommended...
  • ???: The only way to survive is to run.

Pearlescent End

A bright multi-layer cave with big chains holding it together.

Pearlescent End


  • Ethereal: A neutral ghost wielding a sword that deals a portion of your max HP as damage. Drops Etheric Mist on death.
  • Etheric Shulker: A hostile floating shulker that shoots damaging beams. Drops Etheric Shell on death.

Shattered End/Forest

The Shattered End and Shattered Forest contain obsidian pillars or trees, with a cracked end stone landscape.

Shattered End


  • Hexed Eye: A hostile flying eye that shoots projectiles. Drops Bewitched Eyes on death.
  • Enderweaver: A fast moving spider. Drops Glowing Eyes on death.


A spacious void containing stars. Stardust can be seen flying around this biome.



  • Starlight Fairy: A passive spec of starlight that drops Shining Stars on death.

Warped Barrens/Grove

The Warped Barrens contains nether warped vegetation, twisting vines, and large warped mushrooms.

Warped Barrens


  • Grove Guardian: Neutral golem that inflicts a grove poisoning on hit in combat.
  • Warpulon: A passive jellyfish-like mob that slowly floats around. When attacked it will release electric sparks, dealing damage.
  • Watcher: A neutral flying eye of ender. When attacked, it will fly towards you to attack.
  • Watcher Cultist: A neutral robed mage. When attacked, it will signal Watchers in the area to attack you. Additionally, it will signal one Watcher in radius to break, releasing a projectile towards you.